Curator applications are currently open!

Curation Recruitment is Currently Open!

We are re-opening our curator applications! We're looking for 3 outstanding applicants of any skill level. These applicants should be people who:

  • have plenty of free time, enthusiasm, and passion for playing and curation,

  • are able to demonstrate familiarity with the “Objective Issues” which bar a map from curation as listed in our BeastSaber Curation Team Handbook,

  • are mature and have a good attitude!

🔍 Please review Curation requirements and expectations before applying:

📋 Application form:

If you applied previously and want to reuse your application, please DM a Senior Curator to let us know.

You must be a member of the BeastSaber Discord Server in order to be considered! Please be sure to allow Direct Messages from members in the server.